These Middle Finger Chicken Arms Hilariously Allows Your Birds To Flip The Bird
By Ryan on 02/01/2022 8:54 AM

If you have been following OddityMall long enough, you know that we get really excited about three things: high-tech means of transportation like the solar campervan, space-saving furniture, and of course, chicken arms. Just in case you’ve been living under a rock the last few years, chicken arms are a brilliant, game-changing invention that, yes, give your chickens hilarious – and often quite muscled -- human arms.
The design is as simple as it is hysterical. It’s just a pair of arms on a half-circle piece of plastic, so why does it make us weep tears of joy? It’s Just. So. Beautiful. Chicken arms can be easily produced with a 3D printer, so many entrepreneurial types have been inspired to put their own spin on the delightful limbs. Dinosaur arms? We got you covered. How about some encouraging thumbs up from your miniature feathered friend?
Credit: TripleDCanada
Today’s chicken arms are a little less positive. Perfectly suited for the dumpster fire that is 2022, say hello to the middle finger chicken arms that are available on Etsy!
Credit: TripleDCanada
Giving a whole new definition to the phrase “flipping the bird”, this gag gift can make your chicken look like they’ve been working out and they’re also totally sick of your sh*t.
Credit: TripleDCanada
The muscle-bound middle finger chicken arms are 3D printed with PLA plastic, a material that’s known for being both lightweight and durable.
Credit: TripleDCanada
PLA plastic is also quite flexible, so you can place it on small chickens and large chickens alike. Some users have even been putting the hilarious arms on their ducks and turkeys! I didn’t know that poultry were prone to such significant anger issues.
Credit: TripleDCanada
At its widest, the securing part of the arms is approximately 7 centimeters wide, and the entire piece measures 10 centimeters from the back of the ring to the front of the hands.
Credit: TripleDCanada
The aggressive 3D-printed chicken arms are available in two dozen color options, from “Silky Rose” to “Matte Lavender,” so you should be able to easily match the arms with the bird’s unique coloring.
Credit: TripleDCanada
The company behind the middle finger chicken arms, Triple D Canada, produces a huge variety of slightly irreverent items, from middle finger cookie cutters to NSFW anatomical figurines that are, yes, also giving the middle finger. Each product is made to order, and the company must know what they’re doing because they currently hold a five-star average on Etsy with over 1,100 confirmed sales.
Credit: TripleDCanada
Indeed, the product page is covered with testimonials from customers who are raving about the middle finger chicken arms and sharing pictures of their beloved birds wearing the accessory.
Credit: TripleDCanada
One five-star review, left by a customer named Kelly (who purchased the “Silky Rose” arms, I might add) stated, “These are hilarious! Glossy and hot pink, the perfect hen accessory!”
Credit: TripleDCanada
I couldn’t have said it better myself! You can purchase a pair of these rude but hilarious middle finger chicken arms for $8.19 on Etsy.
Credit: TripleDCanada