You Can Now Get Tiny T-Rex Chicken Arms For Your Backyard Fowl
By Ryan on 01/18/2023 1:18 PM

For Millenia, the world's top scientists have been trying to figure out how to give chickens hilarious arms that we can all laugh about. But until recently they haven't existed. First there was the human arms for chickens that gave us all a good laugh, then we added huge muscles to these human arms, and now, there are these incredible T-Rex chicken arms. Chickens already look somewhat like dinosaurs, so it only makes sense that we give them arms that turn them into a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
The T-Rex chicken arms are actually a file that you can download to use on your own 3D printer. They're available on the website Thingiverse where they offer free 3D printer files to download.
Though, there's actually a bunch of other versions of the T-rex chicken arms available on Etsy as well!
The design of the file makes T-Rex arms that are 3.14 inches wide, but you can scale as needed depending on the size of your chicken.
Credit: wareslab
Your chickens can now join your cosplaying lifestyle by becoming a mini T-Rex!
Credit: wareslab
Though, if you don't have a 3D printer and would like to just purchase a set of T-Rex arms for your chicken, there is all sorts of Etsy stores that sell the designs from there own 3D printer.
All of the T-rex chicken arms strap onto your fowl the same way, using a wire that goes around their back. And there's also plenty of color options to choose from.
Credit: CraftyBargainsDesign
Currently the T-Rex chicken arms are only available in the color black. (Different colors coming later)
Credit: CraftyBargainsDesign
The T-Rex chicken arms are adorable and lightweight, making for some hilarious photos without being too noticeable to your precious feathered friend.
Credit: wareslab
The Tyrannosaurus Rex chicken arms are made from Biodegradable PLA Plastic.
Credit: CraftyBargainsDesign
Each T-Rex arms are printed on demand, so you can expect around 1-2 weeks for processing time and 2-6 days for shipping after ordering.
Credit: CraftyBargainsDesign
Credit: My3DPrintForge