Whale Shaped Fish Tank Aquarium
By Ryan on 10/02/2015 2:01 AM

The Whale Zooquarium Fish Tank is a small fish tank that is made into the shape of a whale so that the actual glass part of the fish tank looks like the head of the whale (or maybe it's a giant eye... I can't quite tell). Similar to the swallowed by a whale fish tank, which is an all glass aquarium that's shaped like a whale, the Zooquarium whale fish tank uses two side panels that attach to a circular fish tank to create the illusion of being a whale. The fish tank protrudes through the sides of the whale panels to give more room for the fish. Most likely best for goldfish, beta fish, or other fish that don't require a lot of swimming room, the whale fish tank would make a perfect starter tank for any kid looking for their first pet fish.
Created by RedefinedKind, a unique pet product company, the whale shaped fish tank is just one of many animals they make fish tanks out of, with others including a cat, an elephant, a frog, and of course just a regular fish.
The whale shaped fish tank has a 1/2 gallon water capacity, has a removable lid which keeps your fish contained in the bowl as to not commit suicide by jumping out (but don't worry it has holes so plenty of air can still get in), and measures 11 inches long x 7 inches tall x 6 inches deep.