Pig Shaped Bag Clip Oinks When You Open It (Set of 3)

By Ryan on 11/18/2018 8:50 PM (Updated: 07/31/2019 10:55 AM)

Pig Shaped Bag Clip Oinks When You Open It (Set of 3)

There's nothing that makes a diet work quite like shame. You can have all the motivation in the world, but without a little shame when you go to grab that bag of potato chips, you're helpless. This pig shaped bag clip, will give you the perfect amount of shame to help you stay on your diet, as it oinks at you when you open it.

Note: The pig clips come in a set of 3

Just place it onto you bag of chips like you would any other bag clip, except whenever you go to remove the clip and push on the ears of the pig to open it up, it'll give 3 nice pig oink sounds to let you know you've broken the rules of your diet.

Pig Shaped Bag Clip Oinks When You Open It - Diet bag clip

The oinking pig chip bag clips come in a set of 3 clips, are powered by a small internal battery in each clip (which are included), are made from hard plastic, will oink loudly when opened, and each clip measures 3 inches x 2.75 inches.

Pig Shaped Bag Clip Oinks When You Open It - Diet bag clip

Not only great for keeping your diet in check, the oinking pig shaped bag clips will also alert you to any chip thieves. If your roommate happens to open your bag of chips that's sealed with the pig clip. You'll be able to hear him access your food from across the room!

Pig Shaped Bag Clip Oinks When You Open It - Diet bag clip

Check out the oinking pig bag clip in action via the video below.

Pig Shaped Bag Clip Oinks When You Open It - Diet bag clip

Pig Shaped Bag Clip Oinks When You Open It - Diet bag clip

Pig Shaped Bag Clip Oinks When You Open It - Diet bag clip

Pig Shaped Bag Clip Oinks When You Open It - Diet bag clip

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