This Office Chair Lets You Lay Down Flat For Naps At The Office
By Ryan on 09/01/2021 12:24 PM

In countries like Spain and many Latin American countries, it's quite normal to take a nap in the early afternoon to increase productivity for the rest of the day. Meanwhile in America you will most likely be fired on site for so much as letting the back of your head touch your chair. Your boss would rather you work at 10% for the remaining 3 hours of the work day than to take a 30 minute nap and work at 100% the remaining 2.5 hours of the work day. Makes sense doesn't it? This Japanese company has made an office chair that allows you to lay completely flat to take a quick power nap at work.
With an extendable leg rest and a seat back that goes all the way down, there is no sense in attaching these eye shaped stickers to make people think you're still awake, because they're going to know.
The lay flat office chair is shipped unassembled so you will have to put it together yourself, includes a Japanese manual so good luck putting it together, weighs 48.5 lbs, and measures 25.2 inches wide x 51.2 inches tall x 68.9 inches deep when fully put together.
Also, you will have to venture through a Japanese website to purchase the chair, so you might want to recruit a Japanese speaking friend to help you purchase the lay flat chair.
Check out the lay flat office chair in action via the video below.
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