There's Now a Giant PEZ Dispenser For Your Dog That Dispenses Bone Shaped Dog Treats
By Ryan on 02/04/2020 12:03 PM

This giant pez dispenser is a perfect gift idea for your dog (if you're one of those people)! The pet Pez dispenser is an over-sized functioning Pez dispenser that spits out scrumptious bone shaped dog treats.
Just load up the dispenser with the compatible dog treats, tilt the head back and out comes a delicious treat for your dog out of the Pez dispenser's neck region. Most likely more of a novelty item than a practical dog treat container as it can only hold up to 6 treats at a time, it may still get the laughs and attention of guests, onlookers and beagle owners.
The Giant dog treat Pez dispenser has the face of a Beagle dog on it, can hold 6 dog treats at a time, comes with a package of 12 Pez dog treats for refilling, and measures 8 inches tall.
Check out the giant Pez dispenser for dogs in action via the video below.
Just pull back on the dogs head and the bone shaped dog treat will slide right out for your dog to enjoy!