Dropshot Drinking Game - Russian Roulette For Shots
By Ryan on 11/03/2019 9:00 PM

You've surely seen the pie face game that gained popularity a few years ago due to a viral video of man with his grandson playing the game in an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Well, now there's the same type of game that will give you a shot of liquor in the mouth instead of a pie to the face. College kids everywhere rejoice! It's like Russian Roulette, except you don't die you just get a little more drunk.
Playing Dropshot is super simple, just gather a group of people that wouldn't mind if a shot might drop into their mouth, and take turns rolling a dice. Once you roll the die, just twist the handle that many times. The shot will then drop randomly on a certain twist of the handle. I guess it's sort-of a mixture between hot potato and Russian roulette!
You can fill the container with any sort of liquid you like, be-it your favorite liquor, beer, or even water or juice if you're looking to pay with kids or people who don't want to drink alcohol. The game also comes with multiple mouth pieces so that everyone doesn't have to share the same one, thus exchanging germs and sicknesses.
The Dropshot drinking game is recommended for anyone aged 21 and up, and each purchase comes with a funnel to easily pour liquid into the shot dropping container, a base, 2 handles, 2 mouth pieces, 1 bottle and lid, and 1 dice.
Check out the Dropshot Russian-roulette like drinking game that drops a shot in your mouth at random in action via the video below.