DrainWig: Drops Into Drain - Catches Every Hair That Goes Down It
By Ryan on 06/05/2019 12:17 PM

The Drain Wig is a device that you string down your drain and will catch every piece of hair that goes down it. Unlike the TubShroom that sits on top of the drain to filter out the hairs, the Drain Wig is strung down into your drain with just a flower pedal that sits on the top holding it up. The Drain Wig is installed into your bathtub or shower drain in mere seconds, and will continue to catch hairs for up to 2-4 months before you need to replace it.
Once the Drain Wig is full of hair, you can either clean it off or simply throw it away. Within the package, you will get 2 Drain Wigs, so for around 10 bucks, you will get 4-8 months of a hair free shower or bathtub if you do decide to throw them away after each use. Otherwise, you can get an unlimited amount of use from it by simply removing the hairs, letting it dry, and putting it back into your drain.
The Drain Wig is made up of a long string of beads that gets strung down your drain, along with 4 set of whiskers that are placed throughout the string. As the hairs go down your drain, the whiskers will catch the hairs and continue to accumulate them until you remove it.
No longer will you have to have expensive plumbing work done on your bathtub whenever your drain clogs up, you can now just simply insert the Drain Wig into your drain and be done with stringing out hairs with your fingers or dumping harsh chemicals down your drain every month.
The Drain Wig is made to fit pretty much any type and size of drain, is extremely low-maintenance with just having to replace it every 2-4 months, and can even be stuck to the side of your tub if it can't rest on the top of your drain.
Check out the Drain Wig in action via the video below.