Telescoping Bug Vacuum Lets You Catch Bugs and Spiders From Far Away
By Ryan on 04/08/2019 3:24 PM

The other day I was considering burning down my house after I saw a spider run by my feet the size of a silver dollar, luckily my girlfriend was there to save the day and pick it up with a napkin. If your girlfriend isn't around, or you are out of napkins or toilet paper, this arms's length bug vacuum is here to save the day. The bug vacuum will let you pick up bugs from a way-away without having to look those bugs in the eye as you end them.
This unique bug vacuum wand will hold them in place using a cover, suck them up using a high powered suction, electrocutes them to death, and then puts them behind a sealed container for you to empty when full. Unlike the other bug vacuum wand that we've featured that lets you catch and release, this one kills them immediately.
The bug vacuum extends to reach high ceilings and walls that you otherwise can't reach with a flamethrower. The bug vacuum is rechargeable, and comes with a charger stand, and an LED battery indicator. It works great on flies, bees, wasps, ants, crickets, spiders, and much more.
The unique bug vacuum uses a 15-watt motor which allows it to suck up to 24 crickets in just 15 seconds time. The holder on the end of the vacuum keeps the bugs from escaping while the vacuum sucks them up. The base keeps the vacuum held upward while it charges. The telescoping bug vacuum weighs 2.5 lbs, and measures 30.25 inches long x 6.25 inches in diameter.
Check out the Koolatron extendable bug vacuum in action via the video below.