Bottoms Up Doorbell: A Doorbell Made From Wine Glasses
By Ryan on 12/02/2014 2:01 AM

The Bottoms Up doorbell is a uniquely designed doorbell that is placed upside down on your celing and will play the classic ding-dong tune using two crystal wine glasses. Once pressed, the doorbell triggers a mechanism that will hit each wine glass once to make the tune, as the different sized wine glasses give it two tones. Designed by dutch designer Peter van der Jagt, the bottoms up doorbell won the Red Dot design award in 2007. The wine glass doorbell is made from two differently sized wine glasses, an electromagnet that controls the dinger, and stainless steel, it requires 110v of power, and measures 9.8 inches tall x 9.4 inches wide x 3.5 inches deep. Check out the Bottoms Up wine glass doorbell in action via the excellent 1 second video below.
Also if anyone would care to explain why two people are hugging behind this doorbell, I'm all ears...
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