This Anatomical Heart Balaclava Ski Mask Looks Just Like a Real Heart
By Ryan on 02/28/2022 9:50 AM

When it comes to knitting and crocheting, there are simple projects you can do like making turtle sweaters, and cat couches, but if you're looking for something a little more complicated, this anatomical heart ski mask might be the project for you! It was made and designed by the Twitter user kaztrophysic, and it's the perfect to celebrate recovery from heart surgery, or perhaps you're just a big fan of Shin from Dorohedoro.
Credit: kazclops
Immense planning went into designing the heart shaped ski mask to make it anatomically correct to a real human heart. Kaztrophysic who goes by Kazclops on Instagram has said it took her around 2 months to make the heart balaclava.
(An image of Shin from Dorohedoro, an anime show where the heart balaclava ski mask was inspired from.)
Kazclops also stated that crocheting the aorta was the hardest part of the ski mask, going on to say that it had to be redone around 10 times to get it right.
Credit: kazclops
After she posted the anatomical heart ski mask on her Twitter and Instagram pages, it quickly went viral, and the everyone replied with how much they loved the unique design and look of the balaclava.
Credit: kazclops
Some users have requested some instructions or a pattern so they can create their own heart shaped ski mask, but she stated that it took her too long to make and she stopped writing the steps down. She states that when she has time she may go back and create a pattern.
Credit: kazclops
Kazclops also has a shop where she sells some of her unique ski masks and other crochet creations. Though the anatomical heart balaclava ski mask is not on there at the moment. Lets hope she can get a process going to make these quicker so she can sell them to everyone who wants one!
Credit: kazclops
Here's some of the early drawings from when she first started planning the heat ski mask, inspired from Shin from Dorohedoro.
Credit: kazclops
Kazclops states that she was searching forever for the perfect colored red yard, and then finally found some hand-dyed merino wool from Donegal.
Credit: kazclops
She struggled a bit to find the perfect balance between looking realistic enough like a real heart, and functional enough to actually wear!
Credit: kazclops
Since the anatomical heart balaclava ski mask was more of a personal project rather than an item for her store, you probably shouldn't expect to purchase it anywhere for the time being.
Credit: kazclops
Be sure to follow Kazclops Twitter page and Instagram page for more updates. And check out her shop for everything she's currently selling!
Credit: kazclops