Apparently There's Now Adult Race Car Beds That Can Fit Queen and King Size Mattresses
By Ryan on 09/14/2022 12:18 PM (Updated: 02/03/2023 10:37 AM)

Becoming an adult isn’t easy, and the stress of day-to-day life can make any grown-up want to curl up in bed. Things used to be so simple - one could just retire from the school day to their race car bed, resting in youthful luxury and comfort. Now, there are bills to pay, mouths to feed, and a whole lot of stuff to think about, presumably. Fortunately, full-sized, down-trodden adults can now reenact their childhoods with these awesome adult race car beds!
These adult race car beds can seamlessly blend the classic sports car bed style with the master bedroom of any sophisticated professional.
From the Shenzhen Omayi Furniture Company, we can see a beige, king-sized Lamborghini bed, probably the most accurate adult race car bed we’ve seen on the market.
The adult race car bed offers a more cartoon take on the classic Lamborghini, but with an array of colors and lighting to take your sleeping style to the next level.
With working headlights and under-frame lighting acting as a night lamp, this adult Lamborghini bed comes in fabric colors orange, white, silver, pink, black, and blue. The headboard of this adult sports car bed frame also includes a luxurious, textured fabric, built to mimic the interior of a real sports car.
From Foshan Jiangqu Furniture Company is another adult race car bed with multiple colors offered. Available in either white, yellow, or blue, this adult car bed frame has lighted rims and a super cool pull-up hood for storage space!
Like the others, this adult race car bed is made largely from wood, with high-quality sponges and springs inside, and a faux leather that could match the interior of any prominent sports car. Another benefit to this particular model of adult sports car beds is the working speaker module, which sits in the middle of the passenger and driver seats headboard.
Each of these adult race car beds also appears to include a small amount of storage space beneath the mattress by lifting the mattress out of the car bed frame.
Some of the adult race car beds even have extra storage under the hood!
Whether you’re a driver for NASCAR, Lyft, or trucking companies, or you’re just an admirer of the driven arts, this adult race car bed is the perfect unique gift for anyone who loves cars and everything to do with them. What lady won't love to see a beautiful race car bed after she comes home with you from the bar?!
Purchase of the race car bed frame also comes with a 1 year warranty, and the satisfaction of finally feeling whole again, even if you’re sleeping alone.
There are three main adult race car beds listed on Alibaba, and all of them will have you flying fast down the REM cycle highway. They should each fit the average adult sleeping arrangements, unless you sleep with the whole family - in which case you might need something a little more like this giant family bed.