Zip-Eat: A Giant Zipper Jar Opener

By Ryan on 11/11/2016 8:41 AM

Zip-Eat: A Giant Zipper Jar Opener

Opening jars are hard for senior citizens, and people with puny weak little arms like yourself. If you happen to not own the super opener, which opens pretty much anything imaginable, or this easitwist jar opener already, this zipper jar opener might be for you.

To use it, simply zip the silicone zipper upper snug against the perimeter of the lid, and then just grip the zipper to remove the lid. The silicone against the lid will give you a better surface to grip your hand onto rather than the slippery surface of the jar lid. Plus you ca use the end of the zipper as leverage to open it as well.

Zip-Eat! Zipper Shaped Jar Opener

The Zip-Eat! zipper shaped jar opener is made from silicone and plastic, and measures 6.8 inches long x 2.5 inches wide x 1.2 inches thick.

Zip-Eat! Zipper Shaped Jar Opener

Zip-Eat! Zipper Shaped Jar Opener

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