This Guy Built a UFO Shaped Chicken Coop and Posted The Plans Online
By Ryan on 02/25/2022 4:30 PM

If you happen to own a chicken coop, you no doubt already have these funny egg cartons with hilarious sayings on them, or perhaps arms for your chickens, or even a swing for your chickens. But it may be time to upgrade that boring chicken coop into something much more awesome. This guy built his own chicken coop and made it look like UFO flying saucer, and best of all he posted the instructions on how to do it on his website. So if you're looking to turn your chickens into aliens, you may want to check this out.
For the main structure of the UFO that used an old satellite dish to create the main form, so they located two 10 foot satellite dishes on their local Craigslist page and went to work. Small holes were cut around the entire edge of the dishes to create little bubble windows for the chickens to look out of.
An 8 foot circular floor was placed into the bottom dish and was covered with counter-top laminate for easy cleaning. They even made the floor with handles so you can easily remove it when it needs cleaning.
They surrounded each panel of the satellite dishes with 1 inch Styrofoam insulation to keep them warm throughout the winter. They then covered the insulation with a waterproof barrier which they used a roofing material similar to tar paper called roofing felt that you can find at your local home store.
Be sure to check out the full process and instructions on their website called Backyard Chickens.
"Idaho winters, tiny serama's, and a coop that is off the ground necessitates some added heat. We have installed two 250w ceramic heat emitters controlled by a RaspberryPi running the PrivateEyePi project."
"Lights were the final touch to truly make it look like a spaceship! (and definitely the best part) We used 2" clear tubing to house the LED lights and put the power source on the back hatch door. The lights are individually addressable LEDs with a 5v 4a power supply controlled by an Arduino mega."
Images courtesy of Backyard Chickens
Images courtesy of Backyard Chickens
Images courtesy of Backyard Chickens