Trac-Grabber Attaches To Your Car Tire To Get You Unstuck From Snow, Sand, and Mud
By Ryan on 12/06/2019 11:29 AM

The Trac-Grabber is a device that you can tie around your tire if you get stuck in snow or mud to better gain traction and get yourself out. Super easy for men or women to use, the Trac-Grabber is used by simply looping the belt through your tire while having the rubber gripper pointed out on the wheel. The traction devices comes two to a pack so you can attach one to each drive wheel of your car. Once you give your car a little gas, the Trac-Grabber will get some traction and get your car out of whatever mess you got it into. The Trac-Grabber works with snow, ice, mud, dirt, or really any sort of terrain with adverse conditions.
The Trac-Grabber works with cars, trucks, ATV, motorcycles, or really anything with wheels that you can wrap something fully around it. Sure, there are a lot of traction devices out there already, but this device is a super easy to install and super cheap option that works great in any condition.
The Trac-Grabber block measures 8 inches long x 3 inches wide x 1 inch deep, and comes in two different options, one that works for cars, vans, and ATVs, and another that works for larger trucks and SUVs.
Check out the Trac-Grabber in action via the video below.