You Can Now Get A Kit That Helps You Create Natural Grass Chairs That Blend Right Into Your Lawn
By Ryan on 05/26/2020 1:12 PM

This company helps you build a natural grass chair in your backyard. They thorough instructions on how to make one yourself. How it works is they send you the instructions on how to make the chair, along with cutting planes to make your own cardboard cutouts to fit the mold perfectly. You then fill in all the gaps with dirt, pack it in as tightly as possible, and then sprinkle it with grass seed. Within a few weeks of heavy watering, you'll have an natural arm chair made from grass that you can sit in and relax while you think about life.
Not only chairs, the company also offers other types of furniture made from grass, including couches, huge long party sofas, and just a small cushion-like grass feature that you would lean against. Over time the cardboard frames made to shape the furniture will biodegrade back into the soil and you'll be left with just a dirt and grass chair.
Aptly named Terra!, the natural grass chairs and sofas went through a successful Kickstarter campaign back in 2016 where they raised over $20,000. You can get more information about the grass chairs on their website, and be sure to check them out in action via the video below.
If you're like me and wondering how you mow the grass chair, I guess you just cut it with some scissors!
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