Spin Chill: Spins Your Beer To Chill It In Seconds
By Ryan on 06/25/2015 2:01 AM (Updated: 05/10/2019 10:53 AM)

The SpinChill is a device that attaches to the top of your beer or soda can and will spin your beer in ice until it's ice cold. Simply attach the device to the top of your can, place it in a bucket of ice, and turn it on. Within 60 seconds your can of beer will be ice cold. Perfect to use while out golfing to get a quick cold beer that you had stashed in your golf bag, while at a party when the beer in the cooler runs out, while out tailgating, or just to use at home to save on fridge space.
Versions: Standard | Drill Bit
If you chill your cans whenever you need them using the SpinChill, you won't need to fill up your refrigerator with boxes and boxes of beer and soda.
Normally, when you chill a can in the refrigerator it takes hours because it cools the outside of the can and the coldness slowly works its way into the center of the can. The way the SpinChill works is the spinning of the can forces the warm liquid in the center out towards the edge of the can. The warm liquid then transfers the heat to the can's wall, and then, from the can's wall the heat transfers to the ice, thus chilling the can 20 times faster than a refrigerator would.
The only downside I see is that you need a bucket of ice to use it, or at least some really cold water, otherwise the device is rendered quite useless.
The SpinChill works with cans, bottles, and bottles of wine, can chill a can in 60 seconds, chill a bottle in 3 minutes, and can chill a bottle of wine in 5 minutes. The SpinChill is powered from 4 AA batteries that will last for up to 300 chilled cans, is water resistant, will not make your beer foam when opened, and measures 7 inches long x 4.2 inches wide x 1.8 inches deep.
Check out the SpinChill in action via the video below, or get more info on their website.
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