This Rubber Ducky Tea Infuser Will Surely Put a Smile On Your Face Every Time You Make Tea
By Ryan on 04/27/2022 1:29 PM

There's nothing we love more than a good quirky tea infuser, such was the case when we posted the shark fin tea infuser, the sloth tea infuser, and who could forget the poo tea infuser. This time we've come across a rubber ducky tea infuser! It'll make it look like your cup of tea has a ducky floating in it, meanwhile he's infusing your tea!
Sure to put a smile on your face every-time you use it, as well as for everyone else who sees it, the rubber ducky tea infuser features a screened cage where you can place your tea leaves.
After inserting your tea leaves underneath the rubber ducky, just place him in your cup of hot water, and you'll have tasty tea in no time. Plus you get a quirky rubber ducky floating in your cup while you wait.