Raincheck Is an Umbrella Holder That Tells You If It's Going To Rain
By Ryan on 10/13/2015 9:14 AM
The Raincheck is a wooden umbrella holder that you can place next to your door and will tell you if it's going to rain anytime in the next 8 hours. The the way it works is the box has 8 LED lights on the front of it that blink or fully illuminate different colors to indicate different weather patterns. Each light on the Raincheck is one of the next 8 hours in time, and if the weather is going to snow for a specific hour, that LED will blink white, if it's going to rain it will blink blue, if the LED is steady blue it's a clear day, and if the device is blinking red, that means there is severe weather and you should stay indoors if you value your life. Plus there is of course an open area inside the box to hold a number of umbrellas so you can easily look at the weather and grab one if necessary.
Each light on the front of the box is variable and will indicate a different hour of the day as time passes. The first LED indicates the weather for the current hour, whereas the last LED on the box indicates the weather 8 hours from now. Sure it's expensive, but the Raincheck is handmade from beautiful walnut wood and plays a balancing act between being a minimal and charming piece of decor in your living room or entry-way, and having incredible functionality that will help you in your day-to-day life.
The Raincheck is connected wirelessly to your home network where it gathers the information about the weather for the next 8 hours and it will update the lights on the front of the box every 15 minutes. It gathers the extremely accurate weather information from the same source as the popular app called DarkSky.
The Raincheck umbrella stand that tells you the weather is currently in a funding phase on kickstarter with an estimated delivery date of May 2016, so go reserve yours now, or get more information on their website, and be sure to check out the device in action via the video below.
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