This Plant Stroller Lets You Take Your Home Vegetation For a Walk Around Town
By Ryan on 05/23/2024 1:00 PM

Sure, there are plenty of apparatuses out there that'll allow you to take your dogs for a walk in a stroller, your cat, your fish, or even a stroller designed specifically for chickens. But what about your plants. Do you plants need walks outside to keep them happy in life? Some people read, play music, or talk to their plants to keep them happy. But someone has now designed a plant stroller to take your home vegetation on walks outside.
Credit: Alice Kim
Are you going to look like a weird taking your plant for a walk down the sidewalk? Absolutely, but perhaps that's the point! Sure, taking your plant for a walk could be beneficial to your plant, but just maybe it's beneficial to yourself as well. I mean, whatever gets you outside and walking around it going to be good for you, whether you frighten everyone around you or not.
Credit: Alice Kim
The plant stroller was actually designed by a Kingston University college graduate named Alice Kim who made for a project while in school.
The unique project was intended to encourage society to treat plants the same as they treat babies, and remind them about how much care and attention plants need to survive.
Credit: Alice Kim
Along with the plant stroller, Kim also designed vests that allow you to carry your plants on your stomach like you're carrying them like an unborn child. The transparent plant carrying maternity vests are made from a simple PVC material, and allows all to see your young seedling grow as if it's your own baby.
Credit: Alice Kim
After the plant becomes large enough to outgrow the plant maternity vest, that's when the plant stroller comes into the equation. Just like a real baby, you plant will be transferred to a stroller to take on walks around the town.
Credit: Alice Kim
Kim unveiled her project at a new designers convention back in 2013!
Credit: Alice Kim
A plastic pocket on the front of the vest allows you to place the seedling along with the proper amount of dirt to grow in!
Credit: Alice Kim
"Plants share very similar birth and growth process to humans, but we do not appreciate much of what they give us."
Credit: Alice Kim
Reactions to the unique product design are split, with one commenter saying: "Some people talk to plants, some people hug them. Millions of people enjoy them. Well done to this student for rattling the cage of the terminally po-faced."
Credit: Alice Kim
The plant stroller and plant maternity vest are not for sale anywhere that we could find, as it's still just a school project idea. But perhaps someone will soon create a plant stroller for all plant enthusiasts to enjoy.
Credit: Alice Kim