These Moon Glasses Let You See The Moon's Phases As You Drink
By Ryan on 09/30/2015 8:12 AM

These "Moon Glasses" as they're called will show you the different moon phases as you sip the cup, as the cup is designed with a slant inside of it so that the liquid gets pushed to the side as the level of the liquid gets lower. When completely full, the glass will show a full moon, drink it half way down and it will show a half moon, drink down to the bottom of the glass and it will show a crescent moon. Well, all of this, assuming you're drinking some sort of white liquid, as I don't see this working as well with coffee or tea (even better if the liquid glows in the dark). Although they say the glasses are meant for drinking rice wine.
The moon glasses are made from ceramic, come two to a set, come in a smaller and larger set depending on the size you prefer, and are black in color. Made in South Korea, the smaller moon glasses are able to hold 2.7 oz of liquid, where the large glasses are able to hold 5.7 oz of liquid.