Turf Tank Is a Robot That Automatically Marks The Lines On Sports Fields

By Ryan on 06/11/2019 11:27 AM

Turf Tank Is a Robot That Automatically Marks The Lines On Sports Fields

The Turf Tank Intelligent One (ION) is the robot of your dreams for any coach, sports administrator, or grounds maintenance crew who is responsible for ensuring their fields get painted prior to games. No longer will you need to spend hours driving a paint truck or tediously hand painting the field. The ION uses autonomous GPS to paint an entire field so you can set it up and sit back while it does all the work! And thanks to this little robot, what used to take 20 hours of work can now be done in less than 3 hours - this robot has given you the gift of time, times two!

Thanks to its autonomous design, the ION eliminates the need for a manual operator so you can get it set up and let it do it's work while you're off doing other things. The hardware and software are designed to perform consistent and accurate line-markings on both natural grass and artificial turf for just about any sport including football, rugby, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, baseball, softball, ultimate frisbee, futsal, cricket, and on and on.

Turf Tank ION

Thanks to the time, paint costs, and labor savings this nifty robot just about pays for itself...In fact, based on some examples run by Turf Tank:

  • A football or rugby team can save between $3,000 and $6,000 annually
  • Non-Profit Youth Clubs & Commercial Sportsplexes will save $10,000 - $20,000 annually
  • High Schools & Colleges will save $7,500 - $15,000
  • School Districts & Parks and Rec Depts will save over $20,000

Turf Tank ION

When delivered, a Turf Tank staff member will perform an on-site installation and training to ensure you know how to take the fullest advantage of this genius ION.

Turf Tank ION

Turf Tank ION

Turf Tank ION

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