Mood Ring Toilet Seat
By Ryan on 12/03/2020 11:00 AM

You have mood rings for telling you how your mood is throughout the day while wearing it, but what about while you're on the can? Well, someone has made a mood ring toilet seat that'll tell you how you're mood is while putting in work on the toilet. It was made by The Engineer Artisans, who are a duo of artists that makes really fun and interesting projects for the world to enjoy on their Facebook page and other social channels. They made a one-of-a-kind mood ring toilet seat, but they also sell an instructional PDF that'll show you just how to create your very own version of it if feel like you need a mood ring toilet seat in your life.
The mood ring toilet seat is made to change into the same array of colors that you'd find on a mood ring, except it uses the heat from you behind and under-carriage to tell you your mood. It works by sitting on either the toilet seat itself, as well as the cover/lid that sits atop the toilet seat.
Courtesy of Engineer Artisans
The creators of the mood ring toilet seat state that they put it all together for a total cost of around 100 bucks, and it takes around 1 week total for all the steps which takes the extra time due to materials having to dry, harden, etc. The instructional PDF will go over every piece of material you'll need to create your own version of the unique toilet seat, along with where to purchase all of the supplies as well. There's also step-by-step instructions, and no specialized
Courtesy of Engineer Artisans
"Finished the galaxy mood ring toilet. The only one I’ve seen in the world. My guests are that important to me."
When you sit on the toilet seat or the toilet lid, it'll imprint every aspect of your booty, in some aspects a little too well... It'll also show just how much heat is coming off your back end after you get up. It's a perfect party trick, and an amazing toilet seat to put into guest bathrooms for all to try.
Courtesy of Engineer Artisans
The Engineer Artisans posted a completed mood ring toilet seat to their Facebook page back in 2019 and it went viral. They then made a follow up post stating that they'd make one more mood ring toilet lid and document everything and offer instructions for everyone to be able to make their own. They ended up giving away their extra mood ring toilet seat to a lucky follower on their Facebook page.
Courtesy of Engineer Artisans
"Even your worst bathroom experience will be lit. Imagine praying to this porcelain god."
Courtesy of Engineer Artisans
When the mood ring toilet seat is cold and nobody has sat on it for a while it looks like a starry night sky.
Courtesy of Engineer Artisans
Here's a few image of the creation process and the toilet seat drying after applying some of the materials needed to create the unique mood ring effect.
Courtesy of Engineer Artisans
YouTube channel EvanAndKatelyn also made another version of a mood ring toilet seat, which they documented in one of their videos. They also posted some free instructions on how to create their version of the mood ring toilet seat on Instructables. Though, this version is not quite as detailed as the one you get from The Engineer Artisans.
Courtesy of EvanAndKatelyn
Courtesy of EvanAndKatelyn
Courtesy of EvanAndKatelyn
Courtesy of EvanAndKatelyn
Check out the mood ring toilet seat in action via the video below.
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