This Heated Cat House Will Keep Your Outdoor Kitty Toasty Through The Cold Weather
By Ryan on 09/12/2020 11:52 AM

If you have a cat that's like a dog and just can't get enough of the outdoors, even when it's freezing out in the middle of winter, this unique heated outdoor cat house might be for your kitty! The heated cat house allows your cat wander around outside and relax in the cold while still staying nice and cozy warm inside the little house. God knows they don't want to come back inside and hang out with their owners that love them dearly next to a nice fireplace, but would rather be out in the cold relaxing by themselves.
Barn | Cottage | Cabin | Hunting | Olive | Dog
You may have seen the heated dog bed that we featured a while back, well, the same company K&H Pet Products created this unique outdoor head cat house. It plugs into any outlet or use with an extension cord, and heats a cozy little cat bed inside the mini cat house.
The outdoors heated cat house is easily put together or torn down using just Velcro wall attachments and a zipper. It's made using 600 denier nylon with a vinyl backing that makes it waterproof and keeps your cat safe from the elements. It also comes with 2 optional transparent flaps that go on the front door of the house to keep it even warmer inside. These flaps work like a doggy door and allows your cat to easily come in or leave the heated house while keeping most of the warmth inside.
The heated outdoor cat house comes in a few different designs to choose from, including one that looks like a barn, one that looks like a cottage, a log cabin, or one that's made using hunting camouflage. Though, just their plain olive colored version of the house seems to be the cheapest option. If for some reason you may want a version of the cat house that's unheated, they also offer that version at a much cheaper price.
The outdoors heated cat house is easily assembled with no tools necessary, contains two entries/exits (one on each side of the cat house), and it's perfect for cats who love sleeping outside, in the garage, on the porch, in the barn, or even just to stay extra cozy while inside.
Check out the heated outdoors cat house in action via the video below.