This Hanging Fire Pit Is Held Up With A Giant Arching Metal Beam
By Ryan on 02/10/2023 10:49 AM

Hanging by the fire pit in the backyard is a relaxing way to spend leisure time for some, but doing so in style takes a little more effort. Backyards often have a great space to display art, relax and talk with friends, and even to set up a fire pit that really suits your aesthetic. Fire pits come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and this next feature is a handmade, artfully crafted fire pit that guests will be talking about for months.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
Introducing the hanging metal fire pit, which hangs from a huge metal arch that’s basically a beautiful art piece in addition to a fire pit.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
This incredible hanging fire pit from Matt Hill Projects is made from beautiful corden steel, essentially doubling as a fire pit holder and a sculpture art piece for your backyard.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
Perfect for socializing on warm summer evenings, this hanging fire pit will help keep your warm during conversation, while also offering a nice conversation piece and work of art to help decorate backyards or any outdoor space.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
The Matt Hill Projects website says the hanging steel fire pit “transforms any garden into a serene oasis come nightfall.” As inspiration, Hill cites his passion for the ocean and his love of surfing, from which he created the beautiful arching metal shape that holds the fire pit, which isn’t unlike a wave coming up and over your social gathering area.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
While the site says to contact them for dimensions, the fire pit sculpture also appears to have two slightly varied versions: one slightly simpler than the other, offering an overall thinner shape with an inlaid metal post and with top and bottom rungs and a single piece of metal in the center, and the other with a more convex shape that appears to be one single object, offering an overall bulkier design and more steel involved.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
Still, both options are beautiful and provide a lovely hung fire pit area around which you can talk for hours once the sun goes down.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
The huge metal fire pit hanger looks to span a length of around 10 feet, while the point dangling the fire pit from it looks to stand about 5 feet in height.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
Matt Hill also makes a number of beautiful metal animal sculptures, which can be found on his Instagram or website.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
In any case, we’re pretty qualified to point out a beautiful fire pit when we see one, including this hanging metal sculpture fire pit. In the past, we’ve covered some amazing fire pit hits, including this similar hanging cauldron fire pit, or this incredible Earth-shaped fire pit!
Anyone with the backyard space for it, may want to consider picking up this lovely sculpted metal hanging fire pit, which looks beautiful with or without a fire going in it.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
Reminiscent of ocean waves and the moon on warm summer evenings, this hanging fire pit is a great way to add some art to your patio or yard, while getting use out of it too.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects
You can contact Matt Hill Projects for pricing on the hanging fire pit or see more photos of the functional sculpture on his website.
Credit: Matt Hill Projects