Spinning Handheld Automatic Dish Scrubber
By Ryan on 06/22/2018 10:17 AM (Updated: 08/23/2018 10:17 AM)

If you don't have a dishwasher and are still hand scrubbing each dish, I feel for you. Luckily some genius invented this amazing new handheld dish washing gadget that takes any plate or bowl and automatically spins it around while holding down a scrubber onto it. It'll not only make cleaning your dishes take a fraction of the time that it usually does, but it'll also bring your life so far into the future, that you'll most likely just leave the rest of society behind.
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To use the unique handheld automatic dish scrubber (which looks eerily similar to an alien), just lock in a plate or bowl, and pull the trigger. It'll then spin the dish vigorously around while a scrubber drags itself around the dish while it spins. While you do this under hot soapy water, it'll clean the dish in a second or two and you can move onto the next.
Not only does the unique dish washing gadget work on plates and bowls, but you can also stick in silverware into the scrubbers to clean them just as quickly. Plus, the device will adapt to any standard sized plate no matter if it's a larger dinner plate, or a small appetizer plate. It does this using it's two grappling arms that squeeze in when you pull the trigger to lock the dish in place while it gets scrubbed.
The dish washing gadget is powered by an internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery with a 1500 mAh capacity that will allow the device to run for 40 minutes straight before having to be recharged. Though if you don't wish to run it off batteries, it can be plugged into a wall outlet for continuous use.
The handheld automatic dish washer uses a DC motor, features an intelligent program control, and is made by the Hangzhou JunXin Trading Co.
Check out the electronic handheld dish scrubber in action via the video below.