Gulpy: A Travel Dog Water Bottle With a Retractable Bowl
By Ryan on 02/18/2016 9:32 AM

The Gulpy is a travel water bottle for dogs that has a retractable tray that your dog can drink from. Similar to the auto dog travel mug that you squeeze to get water into the bowl, and the H204K9 travel water bottle for dogs that has a cap that acts as a bowl, the Gulpy has a bowl that takes the shape of the water bottle. When you need to fill it up, simply twist the bottle away from the bowl and squeeze however much water your dog will need into the bowl. Although the device looks similar to a hamster feeder, the Gulpy will work great for long hikes, bike rides, and walks where your dog will need frequent water breaks. The only downside is the water that you squeeze into the tray will not be able to be put back into the water bottle if they don't finish it all.
The Gulpy travel water bottle for dogs is made from plastic, comes with a handy belt clip on the back of it for hands-free carrying, comes in a plethora of different colors to choose from (not like your dog will notice), and comes in two different sizes, a larger bottle that can hold up to 20 oz of water, and a smaller one that can hold up to 10 oz of water.
Check out the Gulpy travel water bottle for dogs in action via the video below.
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