This Ingenious Glass Book Page Holder Keeps Your Book Open For Hands-Free Reading
By Ryan on 09/29/2021 12:30 PM

What's the worst thing about reading a book? Well, for lazy people like me, it's probably having to hold the book pages open. Of if you're lazy to the max, even holding the book in the first place, which one of these book holding floor stands might solve. But if you're not looking to shell out tons of cash just to hold your tablet or book up for you, one of these unique glass page book holders might be more up your alley.
It's called the Book on Book page holder, and it's a transparent piece of acrylic glass that's shaped just like a book, and it holds the pages of your book weighted down while you read hands-free. The unique glass book page holder was designed and created by a Japanese company called Tent.
The Book on Book glass page holder weighs around 7.7 oz, and measures about 8.2 inches wide x 7.3 inches long x 0.8 inches tall.
"BOOK on BOOK is a transparent acrylic book made to keep your favorite pages of your favorite books open. Simple to use Open the favorite page of the book you have, and put BOOK on BOOK on it. You can read the contents of the book through the acrylic of very high transparency while holding the book with the weight of 5 mm thick acrylic."
The size is perfect for paperback and new books, but since the body is transparent, it fits well on a large book or a small book.
[While using the glass page book holder] "You can enjoy it in various situations such as opening a photo book or art book and decorating it in the interior or reading while enjoying tea and sweets."
The acrylic book page holder is a great way to hold your cookbook open to the correct page when cooking in the kitchen
The unique glass book holder works on books and magazines of all shapes and sizes. Since it's fully transparent, it doesn't matter if the glass book matches the size of the pages of your reading material, since you can see right through it to read the entire page.
Also great for reading outdoors on a windy day.
Feeling extra lazy, how about this book/tablet holding floor stand!