Giant Whale Playhouse
By Ryan on 06/13/2016 4:29 AM (Updated: 03/12/2019 12:53 PM)

It seems like if you're going to build anything to look like an animal, the whale seems to be the way to go. I feel like half the items we've ever featured are in one way or another, shaped like a whale. This giant whale shaped playhouse is made to look like a giant blue whale, and gives a perfect spot for your kids to play inside of. The whale playhouse features teeth on the outside border of the whale's mouth, dangling baleen on the roof of the whale's mouth, and even a blowhole on the top of the whale for the kids to peakthrough and let light inside.
Created and sold exclusively by Land Of Nod, the whale shaped kids playhouse gives room for plenty of kids to play inside of it, plus for a few extra bucks you get a padded whale tongue to place inside of the whale to act as a padded mat to make for a softer surface.
The mouth of the playhouse will act as the entry way for the kids to go inside of it come back out, whereas the tail is like a beanbag chair that you can sit on and relax while you're watching your kids. Plus, the tail is removable from the whale in case you want to get a better vantage point while watching the kids.
The giant whale shaped playhouse is made from metal pipes to hold it all up, plastic connectors, a foam sheet, thermocol beads, a zipper, and an outer shell that's made from 100% cotton. The playhouse is safe for kids aged 3 and up, is blue in color, adult assembly is required, is recommended to spot clean only, and adult supervision is also recommended.