This Company Makes Stow-Away Fitness Equipment That Hides Inside Furniture When Not In Use
By Ryan on 02/05/2020 11:57 AM

They say the best camera is the one you have with you, but as far as exercise equipment goes, the best one is the one you'll actually use. If your exercise equipment is stuck away down in the cramped and dirty basement, chances are you'll probably not want to exercise all that often. If only there was a way to exercise right in your living room where you can watch TV and keep an eye on the kids! Luckily, this company Stow Fitness has created just that.
Stow Fitness is company that's created stow-away folding exercise equipment that collapses down into an arm-chair, including an exercise bike, and a weight bench. This way any room can instantly become a workout space in just a few seconds. Once you're done working out, the unsightly and space-consuming fitness equipment will be gone from view and folded up perfectly back inside the chair.
Perfect for smaller homes and apartments, or just if you'd like to hide your exercise equipment when not in use, the Stow-away furniture fitness equipment is a perfect solution for those looking to keep their space while still being able to exercise at home.
The company currently has two products, including an exercise bike, as well as a weight bench, both of which fold away almost instantly into an arm-chair. Though you can't yet customize the actual style of the chair, you can select from a few different color options, including walnut, sprout, sisal, and forge.
The fold-away spin bike is a fully functional exercise bike that features a 40 pound flywheel, adjustable seat and handlebars to fit any height, resistant adjustments, cadence tracking that connects to your favorite smart phone cycling app, a phone mount on the handlebars, a water bottle holder, along with foldable bike pedals with cages.
Their second product is the weight bench, and once unfolded from the chair it features adjustable heights for the back and the seat depending on which type of exercise you're doing, soft cushions with easy-cleanup surfaces, quick attach mechanisms for kettle bells and dumbbells, and it comes with 90 pounds of weight plates to use as you like.
Both the spin bike and the weight bench are both built on a standard platform that identically slide in and out of the chair. Both the bike and the bench product are identical when folded away inside the chair. The chair is built with commercial fabric (that's easily cleaned with heavy duty cleaners including bleach), a solid wood frame, along with walnut matte finish feet.
I had grown annoyed with the fitness equipment that had started gathering in our living room. Our family was growing with our soon to come 3rd child, and what was once a combination fitness room and guest room had now become my daughters room. Fortunately for us, we had a basement to move our fitness equipment to.
Even though we had an option, going down to the old basement while the rest of the family was upstairs was not always a great option. So with that, many of our weights, yoga mats, exercise ball, and other small pieces of equipment had started to collect in our living room. It became an eye sore and I decided that there had to be a better solution.
Stow Fitness furniture is able to say that the fitness equipment does not take up any space when stowed away in the chair. If you have room for a chair….you now have room for full size exercise equipment!
Check out the Stow-away fitness equipment that folds-away into furniture in action via the video below.