Easy Pineapple Slicer De-Cores Pineapples In Seconds
By Ryan on 11/30/2017 11:54 AM

Everyone loves pineapples, but the only thing is, no one likes to slice them. It takes too long, you get all sticky in the process, and you'll probably cut yourself on the sharp edges of the leaves. This handy pineapple de-corer, will let you fully de-core and slice your pineapple in mere seconds, leaving the rest of the day to consume your newly slice delicious apple of the pines.
To use the pineapple de-corer, simply slice the top of the pineapple off with a knife, then place the de-corer over the open top of the pineapple and start twisting until you reach the bottom. You can then pull up and it will completely remove all the good parts of the fruit, leaving only the core behind.
Once the entire body of the pineapple is removed and on the device, you can easily slide it off by removing the handle of the tool, and tipping it upside-down. The pineapple will simply slide right off, and right onto a cutting board for further slicing. Or dump it right into a Tupperware container for storage.
This handy pineapple corer is probably the fastest way you can slice a pineapple, as it takes just seconds to complete the task. Once you're done you can throw it right into the dishwasher for easy clean-up.
The pineapple corer is made from stainless steel that's durable and built to last, will remove perfectly formed pineapple rings from the fruit, and the plastic handle on the end of the device comes off for easy storage and clean-up.
Check out the easy pineapple de-corer in action via the video below.