This Electric Dog Poop Vacuum Might Be The Easiest Way To Clean Up Your Dog's Waste
By Ryan on 11/16/2022 2:41 PM

If you're like me, you have some terrible dog poop picker-upper that is able to hold just a couple of loads before you have to go dump it into the garbage and continue onto the rest of the dog waste in your yard. This gets especially terrible when you haven't picked up the poop in your yard for a while. At times I walk back and forth between my yard and the garbage like 20 times before I'm done.
This new hilarious yet quite useful pet gadget will save you time, and manpower, by getting all the poop in your yard with one big load, instead of hand picking each load into a plastic bag...
The concept is simple, it's a dog poop vacuum that sucks up your dog's turds in your yard. Aptly named the Pooch Power Shovel, this dog poop vacuum makes it super easy to clean up the dog waste in your yard.
To use it, simply turn it on, and move the vacuum up next to each turd. No longer will you need to deal with scraping it up with a shovel, or poop-picker-uppers that just don't work, this poop-scooping vacuum will do all the work for you, in a fraction of the time it would normally take.
The dog poop vacuum uses a 30,000 RPM motor inside of it that's able to quickly suction the dog waste from any terrain, including grass, concrete, or even snow.