This Bike Chair Allows Someone With Limited Mobility To Go For a Bicycle Ride
By Ryan on 06/16/2020 10:52 AM

The Bike Chair is a unique bicycle that allows you to take a disabled person or someone with limited mobility for a bike ride. The three-wheel bicycle allows you to seat the person in front of your while you control and pedal the bike from behind. It was designed and created by an Australian man named Bill Forward when he was looking for a solution to take his wife out for a bike ride after she developed Alzheimer's.
Bill has been working on getting the disabled bicycle (actually a tricycle) manufactured with a limited release available in Australia, with a later release date for North America in beyond at a later date. They're also working with physiotherapists and occupational therapists to come up with the most suitable ways for disabled or person with limited mobility to engage with the Bike Chair.
The way the Bike Chair works is the back is essentially a regular bicycle, but the front turns it into a tricycle, and sort-of makes it a wheelchair and bicycle combo. The disabled passenger sits on the front two wheels, as the driver uses their front wheels to steer the bike. The passenger has buckles and straps to secure them in place and to prevent them from falling out of the chair during the bike ride.
"The sight of Bill and Glad (Bill's wife) cycling together on their unique tricycle around local bike-ways quickly gained the attention of locals resulting in a short video being made which told the couples inspiring story and how the Bike Chair came about. This video went on to receive over 2 million views on YouTube resulting in a feature story on 60 minutes as well as numerous other media presentations.
As of this writing, the Bike Chair is still in the process of being manufactured, as they are currently looking into a manufacturer in Taiwan to create the wheelchair bicycle frame. If you'd like to stay updated with the Bike Chair be sure to follow their Facebook page where they keep everyone updated on the progress of the bike. Or you can also check out their website for more information.
Check out the video mentioned above in action below.
The bike chair is easily hauled around with a mini trailer or in the back of a pickup truck.