This Genius Cereal Bowl Separates Your Milk and Cereal To Prevent Sogginess
By Ryan on 05/18/2021 9:30 AM

There are those that like soggy cereal (aka weirdos), and there are those that don't (normal humans). If you don't devour your milk and cereal immediately upon pouring due to pesky kids or babies that are taking your attention away from your cereal, you may need this ingenious cereal bowl that separates your cereal from your milk to prevent soggy cereal! It's called the Obol, and it's a bowl with a divided wall that keeps your dry cereal elevated on one side, and on the other your milk sits on a lower level. Just tip in some cereal to eat nice freshly soaked cereal with every bite!
Besides being a ingeniously designed cereal bowl that won't soggy your cereal before eating it, it also has a hand grip on the bottom so you can comfortably hold the bowl while eating cereal on the go. It makes it super easy for kids to use, and great for use while you're eating on the couch or not on a table or flat surface.
The anti-soggy cereal bowl is made from BPA-free plastic, comes in two different sizes (one for kids and one for adults), and comes in three different color choices. It's a great way to save on food and money as you're not dumping uneaten soggy cereal down the drain that you or your kids would have normally eaten would it not have been so soggy.
"Obol is the unique and easy to use bowl that has become the favorite for cereal lovers around the world. The patented Spiral Slide Design changed the mundane cereal bowl into and everyday kitchen sensation."
Best when used with the cereal killer spoon!