This Hand-Masker Dispenser Lets You Quick Tape and Plastic Wrap Your Furniture In Seconds
By Ryan on 03/12/2020 3:33 PM

What's the worst thing about painting? Probably having to wrap edges, windows, carpet, and protect all of your furnishings from getting paint splatter on it. The 3M Hand-Masker Dispenser is probably the easiest way to wrap you stuff before you paint, and will probably save you hours of time on every paint, taping, drywall installation, or ceiling job.
Compatible items:
Wrap | Tape | Blade
The 3M Masker dispenser is brilliant because you just roll it across the top of a window or furnishing to apply the top of it with tape, and you can then pull down a folded piece of wrap plastic to cover the entire window or furnishing all the way to the ground. All of this happens in mere seconds.
What was going to be hours of full taping and protecting furnishing, walls, bookcases, built-ins, and windows, can now be done in just a few minutes. The unique tool offers precision tape tracking and automatic tape and plastic cutting with the push of a button.
The automatic hand-masker tool is amazing for any indoor construction or painting job you may have to do, whether it's a personal or professional job. The compact and lightweight design of the tool goes wherever you need it to go, and allows you to have your tape and wrap all in one tool. This lets you protect an entire piece of furnishing in one continuous motion.
The 3M quick tape and wrapper tool fits tape between 0.75-2 inches thick, and fits wrap between 3-18 inches wide. The unique painting prep-work tool is lightweight and hand-held, and any tape, masking films, wraps, etc, are all sold separately.
Check out the 3M hand-masker dispenser in action via the video below.