Travel Pretzel Pillow
By Ryan on 05/23/2016 5:55 AM

It's pretty much the worst sitting in the middle seat on an airplane, and even worse if you'd like to fall asleep. You can't put your head anywhere, nor do you have anywhere to put your arms. This pretzel shaped travel pillow wraps around your neck and gives you two slots to rest your arms in so that they aren't flailing around everywhere while you attempt to sleep. The pillow offers a number of different arm positions you can place your arms in so that they aren't touching your very-close neighbor or having to touch the arm rest that surely both of your airplane neighbors are taking up.
The pretzel pillow is the only travel pillow that supports your head, neck, and arms so that you can sleep comfortably practically anywhere. Even though the pillow makes you look like your lying in a coffin, it surely beats resting your head on the fat slop sitting next to you.
The travel pretzel pillow works great for any sized human, is still small enough to fit perfectly into a carry-on bag, is made from a flexible fabric that repels moisture and maintains your core temperature, and will even act as a counter-balance to support your head and neck.
The travel pretzel pillow is currently in a funding phase on Kickstarter with an estimated delivery date of October 2016, so go reserve yours now, and be sure to check out the travel pillow in action via the video below.
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