Toilet Yoga Book
By Ryan on 11/02/2015 9:10 AM

Aptly named 'Toilet Yoga (Because Sometimes Sh*t Doesn't Happen)', this book demonstrates poses and maneuvers that will help you poop if you're having trouble getting the goods out of your bum. With my 3 defecations a day I don't need such a book, but it might come in handy for girls who never poop, for those not using the squatty potty, or seniors who are just done eating prunes. I suppose I've had a few close calls that haven't came out so easily, like after eating Chipotle, P.F. Changs, Chipotle, 1/2 pound burgers, or Chipotle, which in case I might have had to get some leverage off of the toilet paper holder to get the motherload out. But let it be know, that I've never had issues pooping after eating a taco buffet.
The Toilet Yoga book is both a funny look at doing yoga on the toilet alongside informative information and detailed illustrations for if you really do issues pooping. A perfect gift idea for any Yoga enthusiast, Chipotle enthusiast, or constipation enthusiast, the Toilet Yoga book contains 40 pages, and measures 8.6 inches wide x 5.8 inches tall x 0.7 inches thick.