There's Now a Telescoping Coffee Mug That Extends Out To Become a Bong
By Ryan on 04/20/2020 10:23 AM

This coffee mug looks like any other coffee mug you might see, until it's time to smoke, then the bottom of it telescopes out into a giant bong. When you're ready to smoke, simply unsnap the bottom and slide the bong down and it will telescope out from the coffee mug, then unscrew the that handle from the mug and slide it into the hole at the bottom to act as the slide for the bong. Perfect for taking on road trips, as seen in the 2012 movie 'The Cabin In The Woods' which you can see in the video below, the telescoping water pipe should not actually be used for coffee, unless you love the sweet taste of bong residue in your coffee.
If you fill the coffee mug bong up with water beforehand, you can then turn it into a bong and the water will move down to the bottom of the pipe where it's supposed to be, just don't accidentally take a sip from the mug which I would probably do out of some subconscious need to if I'm holding a drinking vessel.
Quite similar to the actual coffee mug pipe that we featured a while ago that's made from ceramic, the telescoping coffee mug bong is made from stainless steel, and telescopes out to 2.5 feet, which is approximately three times the size of when it's in the coffee mug form.
Check out the telescoping coffee mug bong in action via the videos below.