Spaghetti Monster Colander
By Ryan on 11/09/2017 10:25 AM

Do you worship at the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Nothing wrong with that my pastafarian friends. We don't judge. If you want to wear a colander on your head, that's your business, but might I suggest that you have a separate colander for your food? I think this Spaghetti Monster Colander is perfect, considering your faith. It not only makes a great colander for preparing your meals, but is also probably the best colander to wear on your head for whatever purposes you may need it for.
The spaghetti monster colander is yellow in color, with two eyes that protrude out of the sides that double as handles. Plus it's of course filled with a lot of holes, which is exactly what you want from a Spaghetti Monster Colander.
The funny monster colander will surely brighten up your kitchen and add some fun to preparing your meals. The unique colander will of course look its best when it's filled with pasta, as if the divine deity itself has come to life. Is it watching you? Does it demand some sort of pasta sacrifice? I guess we'll never know.
This spaghetti monster colander will be a truly unique religious experience each time you drain your spaghetti noodles over the sink. The funny colander is 100% food safe, is BPA free, measures 19.5 inches x 12.2 inches x 8.6 inches, and is dishwasher safe so it's super easy to clean up when you're done using it.
The funny monster colander is of course resistant to boiling water, it will hold one box of spaghetti noodles, as well as a special place in your heart. Of course, if you want, you can also wear it on your head. If you do, I suggest you remove the spaghetti first, otherwise things could get messy.