Sneekums: A Pop-up Prank Monkey For Instant Scares
By Ryan on 11/14/2017 8:27 AM

There's nothing better than a good prank. Just ask one of the many many Youtube channels that make careers off of pranking other people. Pranks are hilarious after all, especially the ones that scare people. I don't know what it is, but there's something about scaring other human beings that we just love. Well, get ready for some really good pranks thanks to these Sneekums pop-up prank monkey toys.
Sneekums as so they're called are creepy looking little monkeys that you can put in a cup, a pocket, or any kind of container, and have it pop-out to give an instant scare to innocent victims.
By default the Sneekums come in a little case that they pop out out of, to reset it just push him back in and he'll lock in place to be released again.
You can pop him out of the case using three different triggers, you can push a trigger button the the back of the case, you can set a timer on the back, or you can use a string attached to the bottom to trigger him from a distance.
Sneekums are cute, no doubt, but when they pop up unexpectedly, they seem downright demonic. Sneekums is a perfect, and super easy to way to get your prank on at the mall, when going through a drive-thru, or just while with your friends or family.
Sneekums is completely mechanical and doesn't require any batteries to deliver the scares. The prank toy even comes with putty, so you can put your Sneekums anywhere including in a cup, on the side of a table or desk, or even on the back of an iPad.
The Sneekums prank toy measures 8 inches tall x 3 inches wide, is brown in color, and is made from fake fur and plastic. You better get pranking with Sneekums! After all, the world is waiting for all of your funny videos. Just try not to give someone a heart attack okay?
Check out the Sneekums pop-up monkey prank toy in action via the video below.