Incredible Rotating NASA-Inspired Indoor Garden Provides Full Garden In Just 1.7 Feet
By Ryan on 03/19/2020 10:37 AM

Every futuristic space movie usually features a giant rotating space-shuttle of some sort that creates artificial gravity for its occupants, so exactly why haven't we started making them yet for real-life use? Well, there's at least a tiny version being made, and it's use is for your plants! It's essentially a mini home garden, and it was inspired by NASA! It's called the Rotofarm, and it slowly rotates your plants around the inside of a cylinder which has a sunlight spectrum lighting device at the center of it that provides light to all of the plants at once.
The beautiful design of the indoor Rotating garden is that it fully optimizes your time and space that's packed into a modern look that would look great on a desk, kitchen counter, side table, or really anywhere. The rotating garden fits 5.2 ft of growing surface into the compact cylinder, which is 3x less space than it would normally take up on a flat surface. The entire Rotofarm garden sits at just 1.7 feet long.
The rototating indoor garden is perfect for growing herbs, vegetables, micro-greens, and more. What's the best part? It's all fully automated, so you won't need to worry about remembering to water it, over-watering your plants, providing to little or too much sunlight, etc. It's basically set it and forget it mentality, other than a small 5 minutes of work required each week to keep things maintained and in working order.
"Rotofarm uses a NASA-inspired zero gravity technology that rotates your garden a full 360° every hour and reduces the growth-suppressing effects of gravity. This optimizes the watering and aeration of roots, encourages nutrient absorption, and maximizes both light exposure and space-utilization — resulting in faster growth with less water."
The Rotofarm also has it's own smart phone app that lets you check in on your plants, and check levels and automation data to see how things are going from anywhere in the world. With the app you'll be able monitor multiple rotating gardens at once, check their water levels, nutrients levels, set sunrise and sunset times for the internal spectrum light, and view and get advice from a community of other users that use the same rotating gardening device.
"Grow fresh food year-round with no soil, 95% less watering, automatic lighting and full control from your phone. Rotofarm is fully automated, so you don’t have to worry."
The Rotofarm is great for people without a yard for an outdoor garden, people living in apartments or small/tiny homes, or anyone just looking for a super easy gardening solution that looks great anywhere! The unique gardening gadget will allow you to get healthy, nutrient-filled vegetables and herbs without the use of pesticides and harmful chemicals. It's made from BPA-free materials and contains no toxic metals in its construction.
"Rotofarm makes gardening easy and efficient. No more wasted plants, wasted space, wasted water, or wasted energy. From the zero-gravity system to the full automation, Rotofarm is designed and engineered to ensure maximum efficiency and ease."
Check out the Rotofarm rotating indoor garden in action via the video below.