Pug Off Doormat
By Ryan on 07/31/2015 5:35 AM
Pugs play by their own rules, which is why they would need this warning for anyone about to enter their home. If people don't abide by the doormat's warning, there's really no telling what your pug might do. My guess is probably lick your house guest's face until it falls off. That'll teach 'em to enter their household... The Pug Off Doormat essentially is a doormat that warns anyone that's about to enter that you have a pug inside. Most people, including solicitors, will probably turn around when they see the doormat, because no one wants to come face-to-face with a vicious pug.
Reading the text 'SERIOUSLY, PUG OFF!', along with featuring a little image of a pug on top of the text, the pug off doormat makes a perfect gift idea for any pug owner. The doormat is meant for outdoor use only, and measures 23.6 inches wide x 15.7 inches tall.