This Ostrich Stilts Costume Is The Most Epic Halloween Costume Idea Ever
By Ryan on 09/16/2022 9:10 AM

We've all seen those giant mechanical dinosaur costumes that scare kids at events. And those are great and all, but they've got nothing on this incredible ostrich costume! If you didn't know any better, you'd probably think this guy was riding an actual ostrich, but in fact, it's a costume that uses stilts built into the ostrich to make it look like you're on top of a life-size ostrich!
Image credit: TikTok/@skylarinva
Credit: HeathTarlin
The person riding the Ostrich stilt costume goes by Safari Sam, and he rides atop Oscar the Awesome Ostrich. You can actually hire him to addend fairs and events and have them interact with the crowds.
Credit: HeathTarlin
Safari Sam and his ostrich stilts costume appears mostly on events on the East coast of the U.S. but he has traveled as far West as Indiana for a local county fair.
Credit: TikTok
If you'd like to hire the ostrich stilts costume rider for an event, you can contact them on their website here.
Credit: HeathTarlin
The guy in the ostrich stilts costume has gone viral recently with a few different TikTok videos garnering millions of views after he was filmed at Virginia State Fair.
Credit: TikTok
Another video of the ostrich stilts costume was taken back in 2019 and got a massive 30 million views on TikTok. So it's pretty clear, people love Safari Sam and his lovable ostrich costume that uses stilts!
Credit: TikTok
When Safari Sam and his ostrich stilts costume attend an event he interacts with the crowds of people, and they pet the ostrich, pretend to feed the ostrich, and take pictures. He'll most certainly be a hit at any event, and I can only imagine the amount of TikTok videos that will be created!
Credit: HeathTarlin
A similar ostrich stilts costume is actually for sale on the Chinese website Aliexpress, although they aren't perfectly made and colored to look like a real ostrich like Safari Sam's ostrich is!
Credit: HeathTarlin