These Adult Merit Badges Allow You To Showcase Your Adult Tribulations
By Ryan on 03/09/2022 10:12 AM

There's been a sever lack of embroidering going on in society lately. Especially when it comes to badges! Someone clearly agrees with me, because this company makes merit badges for adults. They're essentially completion badges for pretty normal everyday tasks for adults, but they help you feel a little bit more accomplished when you complete the task. Some of the merit badges for adults include putting on pants, eating a vegetable, watching just 1 Netflix episode, avoiding confrontation, and more.
Life is a struggle, which is why adults should be rewarded for their work throughout the day. If you happen to mind your own business when you could get involved in someone's life, or you went outside on a day that you normally wouldn't have, you should clearly receive one of these merit badges. That way you can parade your reward around the office to show what a good adult you were.
The adult merit badges are made using colorful polyester thread, and each one has an iron-on backing that lets you attach them to a backpack, jacket, hat, shoes, and more very easily and quickly. They can also be attached to any piece of garment using E6000 craft adhesive glue if you can't or would rather not use an iron.
Each adult merit badge set comes in a set of 3 patches, with a total of 10 different sets. So if you somehow make it to the end and you accumulate all 30 patches by completing each task/duty, you can then consider yourself a competent adult, and join the elite club of just a select few of fellow adult patch earners.
A perfect gift idea for that lazy brother or adult-son who still lives at home wasting away, the adult merit badges may be just what he needs to get his life in order and start becoming a real functioning adult. The adult merit patches also make a great white elephant gift.
A total list of all of the adult merit patches include:
- Abandoned My Shopping Cart
- Went Makeup-Free
- Lip-Synched An Entire Song
- Avoided Confrontation
- I Tried My Best
- Minded My Own Business
- On Time For Work
- Responded To Emails
- Packed My Lunch
- Saved Some Money
- Only Watched One Episode
- Paid With Cash
- Learned Something New
- Did It Myself
- Used A Coupon
- Called My Mom
- Made Coffee
- Watered The Plant
- Updated The Software
- Walked The Dog
- Paid Bills On Time
- Went To The Gym
- Only Had One Glass
- Ate A Vegetable
- Flossed
- Took My Vitamins
- Drank Some Water
- Reduced Screen Time
- Went Outside Today
- Put Pants On