This Adjustable Modern Meduse Lamp Lets You Point Light Either Up or Down

By Ryan on 09/01/2022 9:36 AM

This Adjustable Modern Meduse Lamp Lets You Point Light Either Up or Down

Light. It can impact what you do, how you do it; it can make or break a mood or the atmosphere. With the Méduse lampshade you can now adjust lighting and styling of your room with just the pull of a string. This lampshade uses the honeycomb (or accordion) style shade and kicks it up notch by making it adjustable.

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

Whether you're needing a bright beam of light for the kids to finish up their homework, or you want a subtle glow to ensure you won't stub your toe when you get a glass of water in the middle of the night - this lampshade does both...and everything in between.

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

"The honeycombs...generate a kinetic motion."

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

Watching the lampshade be adjusted has an almost hypnotic effect, and I think that is what the designer had in mind.

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

With just two tiny strings rigged to an internal pulley system you can get an almost 180 degree motion from the lampshade which in turn provides about 180 different degrees of lighting, so you're bound to find just the right fit for your needs and mood.

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

This revolutionary lampshade is made by Germany's Lukas Bazle who focuses on products and interior design solutions with functionality with a playful use.

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

"In my work, I always aim to combine functional solutions with a playful use."

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

With the almost infinite shapes this lampshade provides you are bound to find at least one that tickles your fancy. 

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

The unique lamp uses two pull strings that get the job done!

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

One string will bend the lampshade inward at the bottom to point light upwards!

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

Whereas the other string will bend the lampshade inwards at the top, point light downwards!

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

Unfortunately, the Meduse lamp is just a concept for now and is not actually for sale anywhere!

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

Adjustable honeycomb lamp

Check out the adjustable Meduse lamp in action via the video below.

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