Hanger Chair: A Folding Chair That Hangs In Your Closet When Not In Use
By Ryan on 12/08/2015 6:36 AM

Folding chairs are pretty useless when you don't have company over. You keep them in a deep dark corner of your home just collecting dust. Why not put them to good use when they're not needed. These folding chairs can be used as hangers to hold your shirts if you may have run out of hangers in your closet. The hanger chair was designed with a loop on the top of it so that it folds up completely flat and can be hung up in your closet on your clothing pole to either save room or actually be used as a hanger to hold some of your shirts up.
The Hanger Chair was created by Philippe Malouin, a Canadian designer/artist/interior designer among what seems to be many other things. Philippe creates extremely unique furniture, decor pieces, art installations, and just all around unique products, including a chair that has legs filled with ink that you can scoot around on and draw on the floor.
Originally designed while studying at Design Academy Eindhoven, Philippe first exhibited the hanger chair back in 2008 as part of a series of space saving objects. The hanger chair then became part of a series that was released for Umbra Shift a company that works with contemporary designers to bring experimental designs to the market.
The hanger chair is made from Baltic birch plywood, can hold up to 300 lbs of weight on each chair, comes in a plethora of different colors to choose from, and when fully closed the chair measures 25.5 inches long x 18.5 inches wide x 1.5 inches deep.