This Hands-Free Ziploc Bag Holder Helps You Easily Bag-Up Your Leftovers
By Ryan on 02/24/2023 3:50 PM

Usually when I attempt to put my left-over spaghetti into a Ziploc bag it ends up with just about everything on the counter, with around 2-3 noodle ends touching the inside of the bag. This unique hands-free Ziploc bag holder will hold your bag up and open if you happen to not have a significant other or roommate that will help you out.
To use the Ziploc bag holder, just clip the bag on to the clips on the end of the arms, and fill it up with goodness.
No longer will you need to use Tupperware, just fill up the bag easily and without a mess in mere seconds. Microwaving for one? Just dump your leftovers into a plastic bag without the need for a friend to hold the bag open for you.
Perfect for leftovers, sauces, salsas, vegetables, fruits, and everything in between.
Are you the type of person that washes and reuses their plastic storage bags? This things for you! When not being used to hold open the bag to place items inside, it can also hold the bags open for easy drying.