The Ingenious Beer Gimbal Will Stabilize Your Drink While You Wear It On Your Hip
By Ryan on 10/19/2021 9:38 AM

As I sit here staring out my window at all the snow I keep daydreaming of summer...those wondrous warm days spent outside playing yard games and drinking a cold brew. But then I get to remembering how many poor beers were wasted - those wounded soldiers whose golden innards were spilled and sloshed upon the crab grass because a game of cornhole or polish golf got a little too rowdy. What can we do to make sure every last drop is enjoyed this year?! Use The Original Gimbal of course! This genius beverage stabilizer ensures you'll never lose a drop of that precious beverage again!
The Gimbal stabilizes your beer (or whatever beverage you're enjoying) so that as you move around, your beer remains upright. All you have to do is (1) attach it to your belt and (2) insert your beverage of choice. Feel free to throw that beanbag as hard as you want without worry of losing a drop!
What Options Does The Gimbal Provide?
While I might recommend the red Gimbal because it's called the OG and I fancy myself as someone who should be referred to as an OG, you can get this Gimbal in really any color your heart desires. I think this summer my cornhole team is going to get team Gimbals instead of team shirts!
Where Can The Gimbal Be Used?
Really this genius contraption can be used anywhere, but here are a few places I think you'll really reap the benefits:
Yard Games - you can finally enjoy a game without having to decide on whether you're going to set your beer down and hope it doesn't tip or get kicked over or hold it and watch it slosh all over your hand as you make a toss.
Fishing - as you do battle with that giant bass or swordfish you can now keep your hydration handy without worrying about it soaking the bottom of your boat.
Tailgating - for me hot dogs is the best part of any tailgate so naturally I'm a double fister...that means my beer is fending for itself among all the drunk fools...with the Gimbal I can keep my beer with me while I down my double dogs!