These Giant Spider Earrings Make For a Perfect Addition To Your Creepy Halloween Costume
By Ryan on 08/27/2020 2:37 PM

There are two types of people in this world, those that don't mind spiders, and those that would rather burn down an entire building rather than having to look at a spider for one more second. I'm part of the latter group. But for those that aren't we found one of the greatest pieces of apparel for this coming Halloween season! It's these giant spider earrings, and they look frightfully realistic from far away, but as you get closer you notice they're just a really well designed piece of metal jewelry.
Made and sold by artisan jewelry crafter Anna Siivonen on her Etsy store, the giant spider earrings can either be purchased individually if you plan to just have a spider hanging from one of your ears, or as a pair if you plan on doubling down on the spider earrings. A single spider earring will run you about 50 bucks, whereas a pair of the spider earrings will run you about 80 bucks.
Depending on how large you'd like the spider hanging from your ear to be, the seller makes two different sizes, including a smaller version that runs you 36 bucks per spider earring, and the aforementioned large version of the spider earring that'll run you the 50 bucks per earring. The smaller spider earring measures about 2 inches long, whereas the larger version measures around 2.5 inches long. Both versions are super lightweight so they won't be tugging your ear down as you wear them.
The dangling spider earrings are designed so that one of their legs goes through your earring hole on your ear, and give off a creepy cool vibe while you wear them. They're sure to be an instant conversation starter for anyone who sees them, and will most certainly make a perfect addition to any creepy Halloween costume this year.
The giant spider earrings weigh about 7 grams each, and is made form a bronze spider body, with each leg soldered to the body and wrapped in wire. The legs of the spider are made from titanium, and wrapped in silver plated copper wire. Since each spider earring is handmade by Anna on demand, you can expect around 1-2 weeks for the item to ship.
Images courtesy of AnnaSiivonen
Images courtesy of AnnaSiivonen
Images courtesy of AnnaSiivonen
Images courtesy of AnnaSiivonen