This Giant Human Skull Chair With Movable Jaw Makes Perfect Spooky Seating This Halloween
By Ryan on 08/19/2020 2:36 PM

When you think of a chair, you don't usually think about sitting in a human skull's mouth, though maybe you do around Halloween. Well, you probably should start thinking about it, because there is such a chair, and it's this one. It's a big soft skull, that you can open up and unhinge his jaw to make him into a chair that you can sit in and relax while your significant other hands out candy to the neighborhood children.
To use the human skull chair, simply unhinge the jaw as if you were taking a bit of a quad-stacker cheeseburger and take a seat on the jaw bone of the skull. When not in chair mode, the skull can simply be a decoration or an art piece you place in the corner of your room for people to enjoy and be scared of.
The giant skull chair is made from polyester thread with a water base and a metal frame, has an inflated exercise ball in the brain area of the skull for padding, and measures 29.5 inches tall x 13.3 inches wide x 25.3 inches deep.